This is a simple sudoku solver based on a backtracking algorithm. The solver will find a solution to any valid sudoku board. It's fast and efficient, often solving the board within a few milliseconds.
Click on a cell to select it. Use the number buttons on the keypad to set the value of the selected cell. Continue filling in the numbers of the sudoku board you wish to solve.
When you are done, click Solve
1 - A white number indicates that the solver have inputted the number.
2 - A lime number indicates that you have inputted the number.
3 - Gray numbers indicates possible solutions for that cell.
4 - A cyan number indicates that there is only one possible solution for that cell.
x - A dark red cell indicates that there is no possible solution for that cell, you must have inputted something wrong, or the sudoku is not solvable.
W or ↑ - Move up
S or ↓ - Move down
A or ← - Move left
D or → - Move right
1-9 - Set the value of the selected cell
0 or Backspace - Clear the value of the selected cell
Escape - Deselect the selected cell
You can import/export a sudoku board by pasting the string representation of the board into the textarea. The string representation is a
concatenation of the rows of the board, where 0
represents an empty cell. It's read from left to right, top to bottom.
Example boards:
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