
Welcome to my portfolio of apps, games, and other software projects.

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MineCrafting - MineCrafting is a game inspired by the Minecraft crafting system, and let's you craft and explore the world of Minecraft without ever leaving the Crafting Table itself.

Morse Code Quiz - A game to help you learn to receive and decipher morse code, with a difficulty slider.

Morse Code Simulator - A simple morse code simulator to help you learn morse code, with a button to input morse code, and an interpreter.

Morse Code Translator - Convert text to morse code and vice versa.

Projects - Projects are a collection of my personal and professional projects, including games, tools, and other software I've developed.

Sandbox - A sandbox in the coding world is a playground for experimentation, where developers can innovate, test ideas, and unleash creativity without the constraints of formal projects or deadlines.

Sudoku Solver - A simple Sudoku solver that uses backtracking to solve any valid Sudoku puzzle.

Ziegler-Nichols PID Tuner - A tool to help you tune PID controllers using the Ziegler-Nichols method.